Does AweSync Support Google 2-Step Verification?

Yes, you can set 2-Step verification and run Awesync in the same way as you did before setting it. You just need to take several easy steps to enable Awesync to work with 2-Step verification.

After your mobile phone was tied to your Google account, you should create a special password for Awesync in Google 2-Step verification settings page. Then copy the password, open Awesync Settings/General/Google account tab and paste the password into the Password field. Press Check credentials button to make sure the password is copied correctly. Now Awesync should work with 2-Step verification without any problems.

Starting from AweSync 4.25.0 release the following new setting appeared to support Google 2-Step verification for Tasks synchronization. Open AweSync Settings/Tasks/Google tab and enter your original Google password. Press Retrieve Tasks Groups button and enter Google verification code which should be sent to you via SMS.

AweSync Welcomes Lotus to Google Apps Migration Users

Many companies are looking for a convenient and reliable synchronization tool to support migration from Lotus Notes to Google Apps platform. For pilot migrations, where proof of concept is needed, it is important to support heterogeneous coexistent environments for some time. Users should be able to work in either of the platforms, while having updates coming in both directions, without fear of information loss or outdating. Transparent Android Lotus Notes or iPhone Lotus Notes environment will also be supported through Google Apps in this case.

This is the right place where AweSync can help. With full functional two-way synchronization of calendar, contacts, tasks & notebook AweSync is ideal for coexistence support in migration projects. With AweSync users can maintain their contiguous planning and naming space between Lotus Notes and Google Apps, while already working in new platform, and also have an opportunity to perform a roll-back switch to their legacy platform if needed.

Now these migration capabilities can be acquired for a more attractive price, as users can purchase a 1-year license for AweSync, rather than a life-time license as before.

Custom pricing for 1-year AweSync subscription is available for purchases of more than 50 licenses. Please contact our support team regarding your migration opportunities, and we’ll be glad to assist you with all technical questions, as well as discuss special custom pricing.